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NSW Small Business Innovation & Research (SBIR) Program

Round 1 (2021) Feasibility Study Grant Recipients

Connectivity Challenge

To increase the strength and resilience of communications networks in regional and remote areas.

Zetifi - A feasibility study to assess the feasibility of the ZetiNet Connectivity Platform – a distributed network of off-grid small cells that can be rapidly deployed on existing power poles or as standalone pods to provide resilient long-range Wi-Fi and radio communications.

Innovations for Humanity - A feasibility study to develop a high-performance satellite terminal antenna system prototype which has the potential to be powered without the grid using sustainable power sources.

Dandelions - A feasibility study to develop an unpowered air-to-ground vehicle integrated with a communications payload to provide on-demand communication networks in emergency situations.

Hyperlocal Navigation Challenge

To assist passengers with vision impairments to access public transport services.

Acerca - A feasibility study in partnership with UNSW and Redwood, to develop an Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) system which can achieve highly accurate positioning of people and give guidance on routes and navigation.

Advanced Navigation - A feasibility study on the deployment of its indoor positioning technology to provide accurate location information within NSW transport hubs for users with vision impairments.

AK Research - A feasibility study to develop a location and navigation system using existing technologies such as A-GPS, GNSS and Wi-Fi access points combined with image recognition and augmented reality capabilities.

BindiMaps - A feasibility study to develop a highly accurate location and navigation system using an advanced fusion algorithm that will combine data from Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping techniques (using the camera of a smartphone), Bluetooth beacons, and inertial sensors.

Chur Networks - A feasibility study to develop a location and navigation system using AI-voice assistant, hybrid positioning algorithm, and edge computing with flexible and open data sharing to help users with visual impairments access navigation services.

Koala Count Challenge

To detect and quantify koala populations in NSW for the benefit of Koala preservation.

Biodiversity Monitoring Services - A feasibility study to develop a bio-inspired acoustic sensor and processing approach using an event-based spectrum analyser to deliver a low-power, high-efficiency solution for sensing acoustic signals associated with koalas.

Ninox Robotics

Ripper Corp - A feasibility study to develop comprehensive operation support approaches, methods and resources for state-wide surveys of koala populations.

Wize Dynamics - A feasibility study into the development and suitability of artificial intelligence to identify individual koalas from audio recordings.

Personal Protective Equipment Challenge

To reduce waste associated with discarded personal protective equipment (PPE) and sterile wrap.

3rd Axis - A feasibility study to develop a new plastic extrusion technology for the re-processing of decontaminated health waste and manufacturing a polypropylene filament which can be used as a feedstock in 3D printing applications.


Water Purification Challenge

To reduce microplastic and other contamination due to laundry services in health facilities.

Infinite Water - A feasibility study to develop a scalable ceramic membrane filtration system for microplastics removal and recycling of laundry effluent.

PEGRAS - A feasibility study to develop a system that uses a modified high-density coagulant for microplastic separation.

Separtis - A feasibility study to develop a system using electrooxidation technology for complete degradation of microplastics in wastewater.