The NSW 20-Year R&D Roadmap (Roadmap) is a recommendation of the Turning ideas into jobs: Accelerating R&D in NSW Action Plan. The Roadmap sets out a 20-year vision for NSW to produce more world-leading new technologies, products and services, and develop and sustain globally competitive advantages and future industries that improve productivity, standards of living, quality of life, and the natural environment.
NSW 20-Year R&D Roadmap
NSW 20-Year R&D Roadmap Supplement
Methodology and Findings
The Roadmap was developed by the Office of NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer, based on a deep analysis of NSW’s competitive advantages in areas such as innovation, education and workforce, industry capabilities, regulatory frameworks, natural assets and infrastructure. It was also guided by NSW, Australian and international industry and research leaders with a first-hand understanding of R&D challenges and opportunities for NSW.
The Roadmap identifies four technology themes - Digital, Chemistry and Materials, Biotechnology, Energy - and 39 technology applications across a range of sectors in which NSW has aggregated competitive advantages versus domestic and international peers. These technology themes and applications underpin the priority areas to direct science and technology investment based on NSW’s competitive advantages and strategic needs.
Action plans will be developed for each theme and application identified in the Roadmap, to accelerate research and technology commercialisation. The Roadmap and action plans will be regularly reviewed to adapt to uncertainty and disruptive forces over the next 20 years.
For further information about 20-Year NSW R&D Roadmap, contact the OCSE at: