CRC for Sheep Industry Innovation
NSW-based partners: University of New England (essential participant), NSW Department of Primary Industries
One of the major challenges of the Sheep CRC is to continue the technological transformation of the Australian sheep industry through: enhanced sheep wellbeing and productivity; quality based sheepmeat value chains; and faster affordable genetic gain. Source:
NSW-based partner: NSW Department of Primary Industries
The Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre (PBCRC) was established in recognition of the need to strengthen the plant biosecurity scientific capacity of Australia. Its mission is to develop and deploy scientific knowledge, tools, resources and capacity to safeguard Australia, its plant industries and regional communities from the economic, environmental and social consequences of damaging invasive plant pests and diseases. Source:
NSW-based partners: University of Newcastle, University of Wollongong, University of New England, UNSW Australia, NSW Department of Primary Industries
The CRC for Polymers developed advanced polymer materials which have been used in a range of industrial applications, addressing challenges and growing market opportunities for innovative companies. Its partners are drawn from Australian research organisations and universities, together with manufacturing companies, end users and government research organisations. Source:
CRC for Remote Economic Participation
NSW-based partners: Southern Cross University, University of New England
The CRC-REP ran from 1 July 2010 until 30 June 2017 and delivered significant economic and social benefits to remote Australia. It was a public good collaborative research program with 59 partners. Ninti One manages the intellectual property of the CRC-REP and continues to work in remote Australia. Source:
Wound Management Innovation CRC
NSW-based partner: Southern Cross University
The Wound Management Innovation CRC has brought together the best of industry, academia and End-User organisations to alleviate the suffering of people with chronic wounds; improve wound prevention; deliver clinical resources of national importance; develop next generation wound management products; address near-term high-impact research questions; educate researchers and healthcare providers; reduce the cost of healthcare to people with wounds; implement evidence-based best practice; build an Internationally recognised consortium of wound researchers; and create a new generation of wound researchers, educators and trainers.
NSW-based partners: UNSW Sydney, Sydney Water
The CRC for Low Carbon Living brought together property development, planning, engineering and policy organisations with leading Australian researchers. This collaborative effort between our partner organisations underpins the development of low carbon technologies, materials, design and planning innovations for now and the future. Source: