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NSW Small Business Innovation & Research (SBIR) Program

Round 2 (2022) Feasibility Study Grant Recipients

Biosecurity Surveillance Challenge

To more accurately identify and validate threats to the biosecurity of primary industries and the environment in NSW.

Intelligent System Design - A feasibility study of a mobile application equipped with artificial intelligence to detect and classify exotic pests.

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Challenge

To support the delivery of health services to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities through artificial intelligence solutions.

Cultural Pulse Tech Group - A health-tech feasibility study of voice-to-text transcription, translation and AI machine learning that improves multicultural patient experiences during antenatal visits.

QBL Media (VideoTranslator) - A feasibility study of voice-to-text transcription, translation and analysis software to facilitate communication during antenatal visits and the multicultural patient experience.

Recycled Content Verification Challenge

To help NSW Government agencies, private businesses and other organisations procure recycled products through tracing and verifying recycled material.

Rosella Street - A feasibility study of a Digital Product Passport (DPP) to support purchasing decisions on products containing recycled material, and how this could link to product directories or purchasing platforms.

Urban Heat Island Mitigation Challenge

To mitigate urban heat island effects and improve the resilience to extreme heat events.

Plantabox - A feasibility study of a removable garden system to mitigate urban heat.

Eco Shield Systems - A feasibility study of porous vertical greening systems to mitigate urban heat and increase biodiversity.

Tensile Constructions - A feasibility study of a modular cooling system to mitigate urban heat.

School Zone Alerting System Challenge

To improve the existing School Zones Alerting System and road safety around schools.

HIVIS Group - A feasibility study of an edge controller with the capacity to retrofit with the School Zones Alerting System, enable future enhancements, and a new software management solution.

Non-Invasive Vital Sign Monitoring Challenge

To monitor the vital health signs of inmates while in their cells through non-invasive technology solutions and help prevent self-harm.

3 Aim Solutions - A feasibility study of a mmWave radar solution paired with AI to monitor vital signs and other key metrics to detect potential irregularities.

Vital Photonics - A feasibility study of a photonic-enhanced radar sensor paired with AI to monitor vital signs and detect potential irregularities.

Health Waste Stream Challenge

To develop innovative resource recovery technologies and waste management solutions.

Emergent Group - A feasibility study of modular bins that use an artificial intelligence system to only accept waste of a particular stream.