A NSW Government website

Emerging Industry Infrastructure Fund

Semiconductor Sector Service Bureau

Emerging Industry Infrastructure Fund Round 1

In December 2020, the Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer published the Australian Semiconductor Sector Study. The study examined Australia’s semiconductor sector’s capabilities, needs and opportunities, and was based on over 100 one-on-one and group interviews with sector leaders. The primary objective of the study was to determine if, where and how NSW and Australia could increase participation in the global semiconductor value chain.

A primary recommendation of the Australian Semiconductor Sector Study was that a Semiconductor Sector Service Bureau (S3B) be established. S3B will enhance the capability, workforce, market connectedness and competitiveness of NSW and Australia’s semiconductor sector, as well as addressing market frictions and failures that curtail NSW and Australia’s ability to participate in global semiconductor markets.

S3B will be primarily funded by the NSW Government through the Emerging Industry Infrastructure Fund (EIIF). The EIIF is an initiative of the Turning ideas into jobs: Accelerating R&D in NSW Action Plan.

On Monday 27 June, in an address to the International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors 2022, the Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology, Alister Henskens, announced that the S3B would be led by a consortium comprised of leading experts from the University of Sydney, UNSW Sydney, Macquarie University, CSIRO and the Australian National Fabrication Facility.

S3B Media Release


If you have any questions regarding S3B or the grant process, please contact:

Brendan Elliott
Senior Manager, Strategies and Programs, Future Industries
Office of the Chief Scientist & Engineer

Email: brendan.elliott@investment.nsw.gov.au